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ClimateHaven, Green Drinks New Haven and the Yale Planetary Solutions Project

ClimateHaven, Green Drinks New Haven and the Yale Planetary Solutions Project cordially invite you to a summer gathering complete with beer, wine, and great conversation with climate tech friends, old and new. The event will be in collaboration with FORGE and feature music by The Chill Band. Join us before our grand opening in the … Continue reading "ClimateHaven, Green Drinks New Haven and the Yale Planetary Solutions Project"

Angel Education Class | Due Diligence

Havyn Co-Working Space 320 Boston Post Road #180, Darien, United States

Due Diligence. Defining the Risk of the Investment Opportunity Led by an experienced Angel Investor. Understanding Due Diligence when evaluating Angel Investments is crucial to the investment process. You will learn the process for completing due diligence to mitigate investment risk by gaining an in-depth understanding of a company and its business as well as … Continue reading "Angel Education Class | Due Diligence"

AIF Investor Meeting

Fairfield University, Dolan School of Business SCSU School of Business 110 Wintergreen Avenue, New Haven, CT, CT

Pitch Night X

InsurTech Hartford will be hosting Pitch Night X on September 7, 2023. Pitch nights provide the emerging startups the opportunity to present to the Insurance Hartford community. The startup competition is a fantastic opportunity for entrepreneurs to connect with experts in all key sectors – incumbents, insurers, brokers, venture capitalists, regulators and advisors. They will … Continue reading "Pitch Night X"

Pitch Night X

Hartford Steam Boiler 1 State Street, Hartford, CT, United States

InsurTech Hartford will be hosting Pitch Night X on September 26, 2023 during Hartford Innovation Week. This event offers emerging startups a valuable platform to showcase their ideas to the vibrant Insurance Hartford community. Entrepreneurs will have the incredible chance to network with industry experts across various sectors, including incumbents, insurers, brokers, venture capitalists, regulators, and … Continue reading "Pitch Night X"

Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CCEI)

CCEI Hartford Office 100 Constitution Plaza, 3rd Floor, Hartford, CT, United States

Double feature incoming! 🎬🏙️ We're excited to be supporting TWO exciting events to help spread the word on innovation in Hartford! 💭 Real Stories of Raising Startup Funding 🗓️ September 27 @ 3-5PM, CCEI Hartford Office This panel discussion featuring Hayley Segar, Reid Waldman, and Ryan Gresh will help aspiring entrepreneurs navigate the complex world of funding. You'll learn … Continue reading "Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CCEI)"

AIF Investor Meeting

Fairfield University, Dolan School of Business SCSU School of Business 110 Wintergreen Avenue, New Haven, CT, CT

Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Pitch Event

What's Get Seeded? Have a business idea? Looking for seed funding to help you get started? Get Seeded provides UConn students across all schools the opportunity to pitch their business ideas a live virtual audience who then votes on which ideas are funded. Students that are selected to pitch have an opportunity to earn up to $1,000 in … Continue reading "Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Pitch Event"

2023 Wolff New Venture Competition

Constituation Plaza 100 Constitution Plaza, 2nd Floor, Hartford CT, United States

ABOUT THE WOLFF NEW VENTURE COMPETITION The Wolff New Venture Competition features live pitches by the top startups coming out of UConn each year. The legwork for the competition begins in March, where 10 startups are hand-selected by an independent panel to participate in the CCEI Summer Fellowship Program. Here, CCEI works to strengthen the support … Continue reading "2023 Wolff New Venture Competition"